Developing custom Excel applications is a major part of our business. We have written
a wide variety of applications.
We believe our productivity and expertise are far superior to that of own competitors in this
area, for the following reasons:
- We use our own ESP software and conventions to develop applications with standard
components. This cuts development time to a fraction.
- The rigorous use of comprehensive ESP conventions makes it easy for others to
comprehend and continue to maintain the applications.
- We have specialised in Excel for nearly a quarter of a century: not only are
we highly productive, we also know Excel's strengths and limitations. You can be
sure that our applications will perform. Also, we know the difficulties faced by
users, and take that into consideration when we build applications.
- Excel often interfaces with many different systems, for example, SQL Server, and
we are experienced in such interface tasks.
- Finally, and most importantly, any of our clients will confirm that we pride ourselves
on quick response to service requests.