Microsoft Excel specialists

Spreadsheets for Human Resources

The Essential spreadsheets for Human Resources course is for you if you want to:

  • Master all of Excel's manipulation tools for sorting, filtering, converting, completing, subtotalling, cross-tabulating, formatting, splitting and joining.
  • Learn how to import data from other systems and solve any problems you might have.
  • Discover the useful HR functions such as VLOOKUP.
  • Know how to do all kinds of date and time calculations.
  • Mail-merge with Word.

The More essential spreadsheets for Human Resources course is for you if you want to:

  • Create professional reports that combine charts, tables and graphical indicators.
  • Learn to create dashboard reports.
  • Create robust forms for others to use that you can then combine into a single data source.
  • Go beyond simple filters, lookup functions and PivotTables.
  • Chart data and show trendlines.

Course content overview:

  • Essential spreadsheets for Human Resources         | venues |
    Plan and report, import data from other systems, manipulate HR databases, total database data, adopt best practices for workbook and sheet layout, calculate with DATE & TIME, mail-merge with Word, build organisation charts, validate data input.

  • More essential spreadsheets for Human Resources         | venues |
    Learn best-practice multiple-workbook structure, utilise Excel's Advanced Filter, explore advanced PivotTable techniques, chart and show trends, understand advanced Excel functions, create forms, create succinct, readable dashboard reports, explore an employee performance report model.

Course structure:

  • Essential spreadsheets for Human resources
    Duration: two days. Format: seminar with small team hands-on problem-solving exercises - computers are supplied.

  • More essential spreadsheets for Human resources
    Duration: one day. Format: seminar with small team hands-on problem-solving exercises - computers are supplied.

What you get for each course:

  • The best possible advice and training from international company AbleOwl, who have specialised solely in Excel and spreadsheets for over twenty years.
  • Assimilation of good spreadsheet design practices. All AbleOwl courses apply ESP conventions. ESP(Excel Standardisation Programme). That means you will more quickly understand and navigate the workbooks used, whichever AbleOwl courses you attend.
  • A well-written, full-colour, indexed course manual that explains each of the course agenda items in detail.
  • A USB flash drive that contains all spreadsheets covered in the course examples. You can modify the spreadsheets for your own use.
  • A free PDF copy of each of our monthly publications: Instant, In-depth and Visual Basic Excel Sheets. Then, select your preferred magazine and receive a free three-month subscription to it.
  • The GenieMini add-in, to speed up many common tasks and to help apply conventions and good practices.
  • Multiple-place discount: 10% off for three or more places booked on the same course.
  • Refreshments and lunch included in the price.
  • A course certificate upon request.

Who should attend:

  • Essential spreadsheets for Human Resources
    HR staff involved in planning, analysing and reporting of HR data, who have been using spreadsheets for some time and are quite familiar with the basics of formula construction. While some sections of this course could fairly be described as 'advanced', we don't assume you know any of it.
  • More essential spreadsheets for Human Resources
    HR staff involved in planning, analysing and reporting of HR data, who have been using spreadsheets for some time and are quite familiar with the basics of formula construction. While the Essential spreadsheets for Human Resources course is not a prerequisite to attend this course, you should be familiar with the material outlined in the agenda for the two-day course if you plan to attend More essentials.

Learn in a positive environment

  • Be assured the advice you get is well-proven and utilised.
  • Feel free to ask questions.
  • Get time away from the office and constant interruptions.
  • Enjoy a friendly environment where you don’t feel you’re holding others up.
  • Instantly apply what you’ve learned on return to work.

The courses cover Microsoft Excel releases 2010 through 2016 and Office365.
Where there are differences among the covered releases, they are pointed out.

Course cancellation policy:

A course booking is considered final when received in writing (online, email, fax or post) by AbleOwl, and can be cancelled up to ten working days before the course. After that, payment is expected in full and no refund will be given. All cancellations must be notified in writing, i.e. post, fax or email. Another delegate may be substituted at any time.