Conventions, formulas and other essentials
Part 1a – Efficient operation
Set up Excel optimally
Use good technique to operate Excel efficiently
For regularly-used commands, use the keyboard
Set up a somewhat standardised Quick Access Toolbar
Access files and folders efficiently
Understand and use the different Excel file types
Backups and recovery
Navigate quickly
Manage multiple windows
Manipulate data
Part 1b – Formats
Create custom number formats
Format quickly and consistently with Styles
Learn formatting tips
- |
Avoid merged cells |
Avoid hidden rows and columns
Make use of Outlines
Part 1c – Conventions
Understand the need for standards
Apply conventions for the layout of a sheet
Discover the benefits of range names
Apply sheet structure and formatting conventions
Apply conventions to headings
Minimize borders, include gutters and apply conventions to totals
Apply conventions to alignment, input cell colour, underline and case
Document cells
Apply conventions to print
Apply conventions for the layout of sheets within a workbook
Structure the sheets of a workbook for clarity
Create a Params sheet for settings
Document for ease of use and maintenance
Add Lists and Welcome sheets if needed
Include a Menu sheet when there are many sheets
Arrange each section per sheet, name sheets and synchronise
Apply conventions to manage files
Part 2a – Formulas
Learn important aspects of formulas
Understand calculation precedence, number precision and its issues
Be aware of dangers with calculation mode, bug and circular references
Be aware of causes of slow calculation
Design formulas to be robust
Discover array formulas
Know how to create robust file-links
Understand the meaning of formulas error types
Check and trace formulas
Discover issues with numbers as text and convert
Set the formula warning messages as appropriate
Make formulas as clear as possible
Understand the pros and cons of custom functions
Master conditional logic with IF and Boolean formulas
Learn IF, AND, OR, NOT, IFNA, IFERROR and IS functions
Shorten formulas with Boolean logic
Use MIN and MAX as short alternatives to Ifs
Use N to avoid #VALUE!
Use SUBTOTAL to avoid omissions and double-counting
Use INDEX for current month and year-to-date formulas
Sum absolute and largest values
Calculate with SUMPRODUCT
Learn all about SUMIF, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, DSUM and other D-functions
Create a cross-tabulation report
Understand VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, the issues and solutions
Make lookups robust
Create faster lookups
Calculate with dates and times
Calculate service years & months
Accurately calculate the age of an asset in months
Calculate time differences and totals
Use YEAR, MONTH, DAY, DATE, DATEDIF, NETWORKDAYS and other date functions
Concatenate and split
Remove spaces and substitute unwanted characters
Change case
Group data with the FREQUENCY function
Count unique values
Calculate a TREND and determine the goodness of fit
Learn accounting formulas
Create a formula that pays every third month
Cash flow forecasting of sales, debtors, purchases and creditors
Calculate cash from a constant debtor days across months
Calculate cash from a debtor days figure that varies by month
Calculate receipts with a formula that works for any number of debtor days
Incorporate actuals in a cash flow model
Calculate a debtor (or creditor) days value
Calculate cash from sales using a debtors profile
Calculate cash from sales using SUMPRODUCT & TRANSPOSE
Create a rolling cash flow forecast
Create rolling month titles
Calculate debtor days
Learn depreciation calculations
Calculate with loans
Calculate loan payment and interest
Convert nominal & effective interest rates
Part 3a – Tables, filtering, import, export and consolidation
Make spreadsheets more reliable by creating Tables and referring to them
Include Table references in formulas
Source PivotTables, Validation Lists and Charts from Tables
Build crosschecks into charts
Set the Print Area to self-adjust
Apply the ESPTable style
Enter data into a Table with a Form
Apply advanced filters
Make Table formulas reliable by using Table references
Duplicate Table formulas correctly
Create running totals, row-by-row differences and row index numbers
Sort and Filter by colour and icons.
Sort into non-alphabetical order (such as month names)
Discover Advanced Filter and any criteria you require
Create a unique list
Remove unwanted records from imported print files
Use the Text Import Wizard
Keep settings for a repeat import
Solve import problems
Extract directly from source
Download selected records with Query Wizard or MS Query
Join tables in MS Query
Append columns in Excel
Export CSV and fixed-width text files
SUM through sheets and synchronise
Consolidate with Data Consolidate
Create a consolidation PivotTable from multiple data ranges
Append tables and build a regular PivotTable
Part 3b – Charts, Conditional Formatting and PivotTables
Create and format a simple Column chart
Alter a chart to suit your needs
Create Column, Bar, Line and Pie charts
Combine chart types
Create a Waterfall chart
Determine whether a chart, table or both is the best way to communicate
Choose the appropriate chart type
Generally, be monochromatic, but for many series, use soft colours
Remove distractions |
Apply Conditional Formatting |
Format cells based on their values
Set formula-based criteria
Format entire rows based on the value of a single cell
Highlight cells based on the sum of other cells
Shade alternate rows
Apply icon sets
Highlight KPIs with Data Bars or traffic light icons
Shade duplicates
Shade actual months
Build PivotTables reports |
Create and format a PivotTable report
Refresh and rearrange
Show percentages of column total
Display only certain countries and remove total
Drill down to underlying data
Chart a headcount report
Part 3c – Collaboration, reconciliation, protection, crosschecks, errors, data validation, testing and troubleshooting
Compare collaboration approaches
Share on a Network server without using Shared workbook
Use Shared workbook
Master basic Cloud: Sign up, share folder, use Excel Online |
Master advanced Cloud: Compare methods – Excel Online, Excel2013/16, Download
Line up for visual comparison
Remove duplicates
Compare by using formulas
Protect some or all of a workbook from change
Provide password entry to certain ranges
Hide sensitive data
Allow only certain entries
Create conditional drop-down list selections
Check the validations set-up
Avoid many kinds of errors by inclusion of crosschecks
Understand the issues in creating effective crosschecks
Apply conditional formatting to make the errors stand out and not be overlooked
Create crosschecks areas and a crosschecks sheet for ease of checking
Know common errors and how to avoid them |
12 common errors and the solutions
Use patterns to quickly spot errors
Reset inputs to zero |
Clear all data in order to test one aspect and then reinstate the data
Clear deadwood from overly-large files
Find the causes of Excel slowing down
Deal with Out of memory or not enough resources message
Fix problems with Comments, Conditional Formatting, Corrupted Files, Excel crashing |
Part 4a – Macros
Create a simple macro for a repetitive task |
Record and edit a print macro |
Automate an import application |
Prompt for input and check for valid entry |
Loop to delete records |
Understand objects, properties, and methods |
Create custom functions |
Create a custom dialog box |
Use error-trapping to prevent crashes for anticipated errors |
Send an email that has an attached spreadsheet |
Part 5a – Applications
Import trial balance and report |
Consolidate business unit actuals from report downloads |
Categorise imported records on multiple-column criteria and create reports |
Maintain a fixed assets register |
Create a weekly cashflow application |
Build a multi-unit import, translate, adjust and report applications |