(1) Visit the
Genie add-in downloads page.
(2) Choose Download GenieMini.
(3) In the dialog box that appears, choose to save the file AbleOwlGenieMini.zip
(4) Select a location to save the file and then choose Save.
AbleOwlGenieMini.zip downloads to your computer.
(1) Right-click on the AbleOwlGenieMini.zip and choose Extract All...
(2) In Windows Explorer, right click AbleOwlGenieMini.zip, select a location to
extract the files to.
(3) Choose Next.
Numerous files then appear in the folder.
(1) In Excel, open the Excel Options dialog box.
In Excel 2007, choose Office Button | Excel Options.
In Excel 2010+, choose File | Options.
(2) On the Add-Ins tab, select Excel Add-ins from the Manage drop-down list and
choose Go...
(3) In the Add-ins dialog box that opens, choose Browse...
(4) Browse to the file AbleOwlGenieMini.xlam, which is located in the folder where
you extracted the zip file.
(5) Choose OK.
(6) If there is a prompt that asks you to copy the add-in, choose NO.
There should be a tick against AbleOwl GenieMini add-in
(7) Choose OK
GenieMini will now attach itself to Excel.
If you are prompted, follow these final steps to amend your Excel application settings
to allow the macros in GenieMini to run.
(1) In Excel, open the Excel Options dialog box.
In Excel 2007, choose Office Button | Excel Options.
In Excel 2010+, choose File | Options.
(2) On the Trust Center tab, click the Trust Center Settings... button to open the
Trust Center dialog box.
(3) On the Macro Settings tab, choose Enable all macros and place a tick next to
Trust access to the VBA project object model.
(4) Choose OK twice.
You will need to restart Excel for these changes to take effect.